Installation of Pastor Matheny

Pastor Mark Matheny was installed on Sunday, August 30th as Pilgrim's full-time pastor. The service was led by Rev. Todd Biermann of Faith Lutheran in Grand Blanc. Pastor Biermann is our Circuit Visitor and greatly helped in the organizing of the service.  Rev. Dean Davenport of Christ Our Savior, Livonia preached a beautiful sermon on the power of God's Word. Pastor Davenport was Pastor Matheny's supervisor during his vicarage at Open Arms Lutheran Church in Belleville.  During the installation, Pastor Matheny also received the blessings of many brothers in the ministry who, due to the pandemic, could not attend in person.

It was a joyous occasion for all and we are grateful to God for placing Pastor Matheny and his wife Debra with us! The congregation of Pilgrim looks forward to growing in faith and knowledge of the Word, as well as sharing the Gospel with our community, under his guidance. Thanks be to God!

From left to right: Rev. Todd Biermann of Faith Lutheran, Grand Blanc, Rev. Mark Matheny, & Rev. Dean Davenport of Christ Our Savior, Livonia

From left to right: Rev. Todd Biermann of Faith Lutheran, Grand Blanc, Rev. Mark Matheny, & Rev. Dean Davenport of Christ Our Savior, Livonia

Pastor Mark Matheny and his wife Debra. We are so excited to welcome them both!
