Help Us Serve Our Community!

- Please drop off donations in the bin  next to the cupboards in the fellowship hall.

Our largest donation yet was delivered by Randy and Cindy Gardner on May 25th! Thank you for your generosity in supporting the pantry!

  • 204 servings of Ramen Noodles
  • 296 additional food items
  • 45 families being served!

- Please drop off donations in the bin in the Narthex.

Other Opportunities for Involvement in Community Outreach
  • Outreach Committee - Help us serve out community with the love of Christ!
  • Franklin Avenue Mission - Pilgrim rotates weeks with other area churches to help serve dinner and donates to F.A.M's clothes closet and other ministries. Franklin Avenue Mission is part of the Flint Mission Network.
  • St. Luke Clinic - In Fall 2021, the Clinic took it's years of experience helping mother's and infants in Detroit to Flint by opening a new prenatal and infant care clinic in partnership with Franklin Avenue Mission. St. Luke provides prenatal care, education, resources, and love to mother's and their babies. Pilgrim is one of several Flint Area churches that supports the clinic.
  • Annual Vacation Bible School - Help provide children in our church and community with a fun week of games, music, crafts and more, centered around teaching them how much Jesus loves them! Station leaders, helpers, snack makers, and decorators are always needed!
